For clients with a high level of dependancy and/or severe disabilities, the process of drying after a shower or wash is typically cold, stressful and invasive as well as physically demanding for the carer. Care Dryers are a revolutionary new way to dry patients and clients after showering, creating a warm, relaxed and stress free experience.
Clients can be dried on a number of different devices such as stretchers, changing tables, chairs and hoists.
How do they work?
Care dryers are mounted on specially designed frames, positioned horizontally over a wheeled trolley so the drying process can begin immediately after showering ends. Using patented technology, the Care Dryer distributes heat from infrared lamps and using heaters and fans, surrounds the patient in warm, bacteria free air via a UV panel.
This will prevent clients getting cold and dry them all over in a matter of minutes with minimal assistance from the carer. As an additional benefit, many institutions have reported a significant reduction in laundry costs from towels bot being needed for drying or to keep the client warm.
See out case studies page for examples of the dryers in the field.
Benefits of the Care Dryer
The dryer has many benefits which can vary considerably depending on they type of care required and from the perspective of different people involved.
Benefits to the patient
Benefits to the carer or nursing staff
Benefits to the Care home
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